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Easy BBQ Tofu


Chewy, crunchy, savoury with just a hint of sweet. A fast, easy protein hit with plenty of flavour.


extra firm tofu (eg. Shimadofu, Katadofu etc)
1/2 block
potato starch (or cornstarch)
2 Tbsp
olive oil
2 Tbsp
BBQ sauce
1/4 cup or to taste


  1. 豆腐は水切りし、適当な大きさに切ります。小さいものはカリッと、大きいものは歯ごたえを残して仕上がります。



  2. オリーブオイル大さじ2杯をフライパンに回し入れ、こんがりとカリカリになるまで焼きます。

  3. BBQソースを加え、焼き色がつくまでさらに1分ほど炒めたら出来上がりです!


  1. Drain the tofu* and break into pieces. Smaller bits will crisp up nicely, larger chunks will be chewier. Coat well in starch.

    *You can try also make with the firmer momen tofu or yakidofu by placing a heavy weight on top to squeeze out as much water as possible first, but you won’t get the same chewy texture.

  2. Fry in 2 Tbsp olive oil until browned and crispy.

  3. Add the BBQ sauce and continue to fry for another minute or so until well browned. Enjoy!
