- アリサンパークのニュース
【12/9 Xmas】クリスマスウォールガーランド作りby ウェルラボ

Christmas Garlands Crafting by Welllabo
◉ 日時:12月9日(土)11:15〜12:15
◉ 場所: アリサンパーク 4階
◉ 参加費:¥3,300 SIGN UP HERE 予約はこちら
枝や松ぼっくり、どんぐりや、well-laboのビーチクリーンで 集めたマイクロプラスチックなどを使用します。
Putting up Christmas theme garlands in your room adds some extra Christmas spirit; ones made with materials such as branches, pine cones, acorns, and micro-plastics picked at the beach would make it even more special.
Children are welcome to join! We will be using stationery such as scissors and glue. We kindly ask that an adult accompany each child who is 12 or younger.
◉ Day&Time: Dec. 9 Sat. 11:00AM-12:15PM
◉ Location: Alishan Park (4F)
◉ Fee: ¥3,300
Please note:
※ Refunds are not available for cancellations due to personal reasons.
※ We are going to use glue. Please bring an apron or clothes that can get dirty.