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ヴィーガンコーンブレッド Vegan Corn Bread


Here is a recipe I have grown fond of, using Alishan’s cornmeal. The vegan recipe is tried and tested and creates a flavourful, if slightly crumbly cornbread. The non-vegan is taken from Bob’s Red Mill’s homepage (the supplier of our cake mixes).


2 cups
Unbleached flour*
1 cup
Baking powder
2 teaspoon
Canola oil
1/3 cup
Maple syrup
2 tablespoons
2 cups
Apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons
1/2 teaspoon


  1. オーブンを180℃の温め、クッキングシートかオイルをスプレーしておく。

  2. ソイミルクとりんご酢をボールに入れ、ホイップするように混ぜ合わせる。

  3. 大きめのボールにコーンミールと粉類、ベーキングパウダーと塩を入れる。

  4. 別のボールにカノーラ油、メープルシロップ、ソイミルクを混ぜ、泡立たてる。

  5. 混ぜたら、油を塗った型に入れ、30分焼く。


  1. *If you would like a more bread-like cornbread switch the flour and cornmeal round; 1 cup cornmeal to 2 cups of flour. I also used our whole wheat bread flour (G01) and that worked well though the mix needed a touch of water. You should have a something like a thick batter rather than a stiffer cake mix.

    Preheat oven to 180, line a baking pan with parchment paper or spray the bottom lightly with non-stick cooking spray. Cornbread really does stick to tins so be really careful when lining/greasing your tin (I always lose the bottom which is why there’s no photo yet!)

  2. In a medium bowl, wisk together the soymilk and the vinegar and set aside.


  3. Then, in a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients (cornmeal, flour, baking powder and salt).

  4. Add the oil and maple syrup to the soymilk mixture. Wisk with a wire wisk or a fork until it is foamy and bubbly, for about 2 minutes. Pour the wet ingredient into the dry and mix together.

  5. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan and bake for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Slice into squares and serve warm or store in an airtight container (I have also frozen it with no ill effects).
