- レシピ
Brown Lentil Curry
A delicious dhal curry that is easy to make. Brown lentils can be used without pre-soaking, but they absorb more flavor if you have time to soak them first. Serve with rice or chapati.
材料(4人分・Serves 4)
Material(4人分・Serves 4)
- 茶レンズ豆brown lentils
- 200g200g
- 塩salt
- 小さじ22 tsp
- (A) ターメリック(A) turmeric
- 小さじ1/41/4 tsp
- (A) カルダモンシード(A) cardamom pods
- 4粒4 pods
- (A) シナモンスティック(A) cinnamon stick
- 1本1 stick
- A. ベイリーフ(A) bay leaf
- 1枚1 leaf
- キャノーラ油canola oil
- 大さじ22 Tbsp
- たまねぎ, みじん切りonion, diced
- 60g60g
- にんにく, みじん切りgarlic
- 1片1 clove
- しょうが, みじん切りginger, diced
- にんにくと同量same quantity as garlic
- トマト, 粗く刻むtomato, chopped
- 100g100g
- (B) クミンパウダー(B) cumin powder
- 小さじ1/31/3 tsp
- (B) こしょう (B) pepper
- 小さじ1/41/4 tsp
- (B) コリアンダーパウダー (B) coriander powder
- 小さじ11 tsp
If pre-soaking, drain the lentils, then add to a heavy bottomed pan. Add A ingredients and 1L water and bring to the boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 – 30 minutes. Remove the whole spices and add salt to taste.
In a small pan heat the oil and add the onion, garlic and ginger. Once softened, add the powder spices. Mix through, then add the tomato. When heated through, add to the lentils.
Serve, topping with yoghurt if preferred.