- レシピ
Jackfruit and Coconut Curry
The rich sweetness and flavor of the jackfruit make it a popular vegetable. The texture, similar to chicken, is combined in this recipe with plenty of coconut cream.
材料(4人分・ Serves 4)
Material(4人分・ Serves 4)
- ギー または キャノーラ油 ghee or canola oil
- 大さじ22 Tbsp
- ホールスパイス: クミンシード whole spice: cumin seed
- 小さじ11 tsp
- ホールスパイス:ベイリーフ whole spice: bay leaf
- 1枚1 leaf
- A: たまねぎ (すりおろす)A: onion, finely grated
- 200g200g
- A: 人参 (すりおろす)A: carrot, finely grated
- 50g50g
- A: にんにく(すりおろす)A: garlic, finely grated
- 1片 1 clove
- A: しょうが(すりおろす)A: ginger, finely grated
- にんにくと同量equal quantity to garlic
- カレー粉 curry powder
- 小さじ11 tsp
- ジャックフルーツ(缶) canned jackfruit
- 1缶1 can
- ココナッツクリームcoconut cream
- 400g400g
- 水 water
- 100〜200ml100〜200ml
- 塩 salt
- 小さじ1/31/3 tsp
- アガベシロップ(好みで) agave syrup (optional)
- 小さじ11 tsp
- トッピング:カシューナッツtopping: cashew nuts
- 適量as required
- フレッシュコリアンダーfresh coriander
- 適量as required
In a heavy-bottomed pan heat the ghee (or canola oil if using) then add the whole spices. When the mustard seed starts to crack, add the A ingredients and onion. Continue to saute on a low heat until the onions begin to caramelize.
Add the curry powder, jackfruit (well drained), and the canned tomatoes. Mix well and continue to simmer.
Once warmed through, add the coconut cream and water, salt and agave syrup to taste.
In a separate pan, fry the cashew nuts in ghee (or canola oil) until lightly browned. Serve the curry with rice and top with cashew nuts and fresh coriander.