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Overnight Oats


Overnight oats are the perfect solution for people who lack time in the morning but still want a healthy, well-balanced breakfast. Once you have the basic recipe down (1:2 ratio of liquid to oats) you can let your imagination run wild. Try different milks, flax instead of chia, fresh fruit, spices, extracts, inka, coffee, chocolate or how about herbs and tomato for a savory version? A quick search online will give you a wealth of recipes to try.


  1. 全ての材料をお好きな容器に入れて、よく混ぜて蓋をしめる。冷蔵庫にひと晩入れてオートミールをよくふやかす。


  1. Add all ingredients to your container of choice. Mix and cover. Leave in the fridge overnight  to thicken.
