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Gluten Free Carrot Cake

Happy Easter! This is the day when the Easter Bunny runs around with eggs in his basket. And the Easter Bunny’s favorite dessert is… carrot cake, of course!

This carrot cake recipe is a bit different from our Jack’s Carrot cake sold in the cafe. For one thing, it is made in the rice cooker! Also, the “flour” is made from oats, making it gluten-free. (Our oats are NOT certified gluten-free, so please be careful if you have gluten allergies.)

Because carrot cake pairs so well with cream cheese frosting, we created an easy vegan version. Yum!


Happy Easter! イースターバニーがバスケットに卵を入れて走り回っている日です。イースターバニーの好きなデザートは何かわかりますか?キャロットケーキですよ!





carrot cake:
carrot, shredded
200g (1 medium-sized carrot)
2 cups (about 200g)
3/4 cup
brown sugar
1/4 cup
baking soda
1 tsp
baking powder
2 tsp
vanilla extract
1 tsp
cinnamon powder
2 tsp
nutmeg powder
1 tsp
1 cup
shredded coconut
1/2 cup
1/2 cup
walnuts, chopped (you can use pecans, or any other nuts you like)
1/2 cup
cream cheese frosting:
soy cream cheese
1 1/2 cups
powdered sugar
1/2 cup
vanilla extract (or 3-4 drops vanilla oil)
1 tsp
walnuts, chopped
as you like


  1. フードプロセッサーにオートミールを入れ、オートミールが粉末状になるまで混ぜます。

  2. 中型のボウルに1、ベーキングソーダ、ベーキングパウダー、シナモン、ナツメグ、ココナッツフレークを混ぜ合わせます。

  3. 大きめのボウルにアップルソース、黒砂糖、バニラエキストラクト、水を入れ、かき混ぜます

  4. 2を3に加え、よく混ぜ合わせます。混ぜすぎないように気をつけてください。

  5. すりおろした人参、レーズン、くるみをよく混ぜ合わせます。

  6. 炊飯器に生地を流し入れ、「ケーキパン」の機能を選択し、40分焼ます。

    ※ ケーキパンのボタンがない場合は、サラダ油(分量外)を炊飯器に塗ってから生地を流し入れ、「早炊き」で焼いてください。

  7. ケーキが焼けたら、炊飯器の蓋を開けてそのまま冷めるのを待ちます。その間に、豆乳クリームチーズ、バニラエキストラクト、粉砂糖を混ぜ、クリームチーズフロスティングを準備します。

  8. ケーキをお皿に載せ、フロスティングを載せます。みじん切りしたくるみ等をトッピングして完成です!


  1. Blend the oats in a food processor until they reach a powder-like consistency. Set aside.

  2. Combine the oat flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and shredded coconut in a medium-sized bowl.

  3. Whisk the apple sauce, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and water together in a large bowl.

  4. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until well combined. Do not over mix.

  5. Stir in grated carrot, raisins, and walnuts until well combined.

  6. Pour mixture into the rice cooker. Select “cake pan” function and cook for 40 minutes.

    * If you don’t have the “cake pan” function, add some vegetable oil to cover the surface of the pot, and press “quick cook.”

  7. After cake is cooked, open the lid of the rice cooker and wait for it to cool. In the meantime, prepare the cream cheese frosting by mixing together the soy cream cheese, vanilla extract, and powdered sugar.

  8. Invert cake onto a plate and layer frosting on top. Decorate with crushed walnuts or any other desired toppings.


Note: This cake has the moist consistency of bread pudding, so if you’d like a drier cake, you can try adding less water.
