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“Jack”fruit Pork

本日、National Hamburger Day のレシピは、フルーツを使ったハンバーガーです!





Today’s dish for National Hamburger Day isn’t meat, it’s a fruit!

Have you heard of jackfruit? Jackfruit is the largest fruit that grows on a tree, reaching up to 60cm long and weighing up to 18kg. This summer fruit is a staple food in South and Southeast Asian countries, and is the national fruit of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

“Young” is another term for “unripe” green jackfruit. The stringy texture of unripened jackfruit has made it popular as a meat substitute, especially for pulled pork or chicken.

Are you curious about this tropical fruit? Then give this recipe a try!



canned jackfruit
1 can
medium onion, diced
garlic, minced
1/2 clove
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
●cumin powder
1 tsp
●fresh coriander, chopped
1 ~ 2 Tbsp (as you like)
●juice of lemon (optional)
olive oil
2 Tbsp
vegan bbq sauce
1/4 cup


  1. ジャックフルーツを缶からあけて、しっかりと水気を取ります。

  2. ジャックフルーツをボウルに入れ、指又はフォークで裂くように細かくします。

  3. 2のボウルに●の調味料を加え、混ぜ合わせます。混ざったら、少しの間置いて味を馴染ませます。

  4. 玉ねぎとニンニクをみじん切りにします。

  5. 大きなフライパンにオリーブオイルをひき、中火に熱したら玉ねぎを入れ、透き通るまで炒めます(3~4分)。

  6. ニンニクを加え、さらに1分炒めます。

  7. 3を足し、ジャックフルーツに焼き色がつくまで炒めます(3~4分)。

  8. バーベキューソースを加えて混ぜ合わせ、蓋をして時々、かき混ぜまぜながら弱火で10分程度炒めます。(ジャックフルーツは時間が経つほど柔らかくなります。)

  9. バーガーバンズ又は食パンを用意し、お好きなトッピングをしていただきます。お好みでさらに新鮮なパクチーやレモン(分量外)をかけても美味しいです!


  1. Drain the liquid in the jackfruit can, then dry thoroughly.

  2. Put the jackfruit into a bowl and shred with fingers or a fork.

  3. Add all seasonings marked as “●” , and toss to combine. Set aside to marinate.

  4. Mince onion and garlic.

  5. Heat oil in a large pan to medium heat. Add onion and cook for 3-4 minutes, until translucent.

  6. Add garlic and cook for another minute.

  7. Add marinated jackfruit, and cook for 3-5 minutes, until the jackfruit begins to brown.

  8. Add barbecue sauce, stir and cook covered for about 10 minutes on low heat. Stir occasionally. (The longer the jackfruit cooks the more tender it becomes.)

  9. Prepare hamburger buns or sandwich bread, and serve with your favorite toppings.
