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【Event】クロージングスワップ Clothing Swap x Homage Tokyo * 2023.07.16 (Sun) 14:00-17:00PM

【Event】クロージングスワップ Clothing Swap x Homage Tokyo * 2023.07.16 (Sun) 14:00-17:00PM

クロージングスワップ x Homage Tokyo


時間: 14:00 – 17:00 PM

場所: Alishan Park 3F

参加費: 500円(当日現金支払い)予約はこちらから

7月16日 午後2時〜5時まで、毎回人気のイベント、Clothing Swap(クロージングスワップ)がアリサンパークで開催されます!今回はアリサンの1周年を記念して、東京で活動するボランティア団体のHomage Tokyoと初めてコラボレーションでの開催です。



また、イベント終了後、寄付していただいた洋服、靴、アクセサリー類は、Homage Tokyoにより東京のフリーマーケットで無料配布され、一部は、ウクライナの人々にも寄付されます。


Imperfectly Perfect ~完璧でないモノこそ完璧である~。それがHomage Tokyoの価値観です。かつては使われていたけど古くなり、今では輝きを失ったモノも、手を加えればまた息を吹き返す。作り手がいて、貰い手がいて、そして資源が存在する。3つが揃ってこそ成り立つモノの再生。その再生のサイクルに敬意を払い、モノの持つストーリーを大事にしています。


Clothing Swap x Homage Tokyo

Date: Sunday 16th of July

Time: 14:00 – 17:00 PM

Place: Alishan Park 3F

Ticket: ¥500 (cash payment on the day) RSVP here

We are very pleased to announce our latest Clothing Swap that will be happening on the 16th of July from 2 pm to 5 pm. For our anniversary celebration, we will be collaborating for the first time with a local volunteer organization, Homage Tokyo.

Feel free to come by to swap unwanted items (in good condition) and find new treasures to freshen up your wardrobe. By participating, you’ll not only be saving money but also helping to reduce waste and promote sustainable fashion. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends!

Can’t make it to the event? No worries! You can drop off the clothes, shoes and accessories you would like to donate for the swap at Alishan Park starting today.

And that’s not all. After the event, the leftovers will be donated to the people of Ukraine and Homage Tokyo will keep some items to give away at local flea markets in Tokyo.

We can’t wait to see you there!

About Homage Tokyo:

Homage Tokyo was created to connect people to things. As the name suggests, we want to give respect and show appreciation to the “things” and the “people” who made, owned, and gave beauty to their things/belongings. We do this through activities and workshops that tell a story, such as Swap Events and How-To Workshops. We believe connecting people to things that have history and story helps in spreading fun, awareness, and appreciation.

Hargianto Pradi and Mayu, Homage Tokyo Co-founders
