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Vegan BBQ Party

新商品BBQソースの販売に先駆けて「ヴィーガン・BBQパーティー」がアリサンで行われました 。腕をふるってくれたのは、英国出身のヴィーガンシェフ・Proof’s Placeさんです。この日、とくに人気だったのは、ヴィーガン・スペアリブ。グルテンをスペアリブ風に成型し、オーブンで軽く焼いたあと、バーベキューソースを表面に塗り、炭火で焼きあげました。参加者は「今まで食べたことがない! 思った以上にジューシー」と絶賛。Proof’s Placeさん曰く「野菜や厚揚げ、しいたけなど を串に刺し、バーベキューソー スを塗って炭火で焼いて食べれば、ヴィーガンバーベキューのおいしい1品になるはず。ベジタリアンでない人にも満足度が高いはずです」本格的vegan スペアリブグルテン使ったことない方もぜひチャレンジしてみてください!
Alishan had a “Vegan BBQ Party” to promote this new product called “Triple Crown Organic BBQ Sauce”
Proof’s Place is a vegan chef from UK. He exercised his unbelievable talent at this BBQ event. Especially this vegan spare ribs are hilarious. First you make dough with gluten, beets and some other vegetables. Thanks to beets, it’s easy to imagine how disgustingly real it looks.Then form it into like spare-ribs. After cooking in the oven, you season them with BBQ sauce and put them in the BBQ grill. Most of the people say ” This is so real! Gross! This is out of this world. So juicy and meaty!” Proof’s Place suggests dressing vegetables, deep-fried tofu and shiitake-mushrooms with this BBQ sauce and cooking over charcoal. It’s not just for vegetarians. Everybody loves it. It’s worth trying especially if you are a novice cook in terms of Gluten.
ヴィーガン・スペアリブ BBQ ソース味
Vegan・Spare Ribs with BBQ sauce
A (Ribs)
・ニュートリショナルイースト…1/4 カップ
B (Marinade)
・ベジタブルスープペースト … 大 さ じ 1 (お湯1カップで溶かす)
・ピーナツバタースムース …大さじ4
・バーベキューソース クラシック …1カップ
❶ オーブンを180 度に温めておく。
❷ 12センチ角の型を用意し、油を塗っておく。
❸ ボウルにAを混ぜる。
❹ キドニービーンズをブレンダ―でペースト状にする。
❺ ❹に細切りにしたにんじんを加えて、さっくりと混ぜたら、❸に入れる。 さらにBを❸に混ぜて、2~3分こねる。
❻ できあがった種を型に敷き詰めたら、食べやすいように1センチ幅の筋を入れる。
Gluten 1 cup
Nutritional Yeast 1/4 cup
Paprika powder 1Tsp
Garlic powder 1tsp
some Black pepper
a can of Kidney beans
some shredded carrot
Vegetable Soup Paste 1Tsp
Peanut Butter Smooth 4 Tsp
Soy Sauce 1Tsp
BBQ Sauce classic 1 cup
1 : Preheat the oven to 180 ℃
2 : Oil the baking tray (12cmX12cm)
3 : Combine all the items for Ribs except kidney and carrot.
4 : Puree the kidney in a blender.
5 : After combining the kidney puree and grated carrots, put it into no.3 and knead it for 2 to 3 minutes.
6 : Spread the dough on the tray. Cut slashes every half an inch.
7 : Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
8 : Take the loaf out of the tray and cut it along slashes. Thread cut ribs onto metal skewers.
9 : Coat the ribs with BBQ sauce and grill them for 3minutes.
Recipes with BBQ sauce and frozen tofu
Not so many people have gluten handy. So here is a trick! All you have to do is freeze firm tofu and then thaw and squeeze it. You can leave it in a colander to drain if you are patient enough. Anyways you’ll be able to get chewy meaty veggie meat easily. Frozen tofu goes very well with rich BBQ sauce.
●Tofu Steak
Drain thawed tofu well and sprinkle with salt and pepper. After coating with potato starch or corn starch, sauté in the oiled pan until it gets light brown. Season with BBQ sauce.
● Tofu nuggets
Squeeze thawed tofu hard. Tear tofu into pieces with hands. Combine with potato starch or corn starch, salt and pepper. You may add nutmeg, garlic or ginger. Shape it into nuggets and deep-fry. Dip in BBQ sauce to have a bite.
● Spicy To-Fu Chicken
Tear thawed tofu into bite-size chunks. After season with salt, pepper and ginger, sprinkle them with potato starch or corn starch to deep-fry. After frying chopped onions in a pan, put deep-fried tofu and BBQ sauce to combine. A dash of cayenne pepper, if you like it spicy.