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REI Cooking Challenge

避難民キャンプ支援について<br>REI Cooking Challenge

    “食べ物” それは時に私たちの悩みの種になります。何を食べるか、どのブランドにするか、量や形、サイズなどどれを買うべきか…。調理方法はどうするか、旬のものも取り入れたいし、付け合わせは何にしたら色味が良いかな、など。

    Food is a complicated decision for some of us. There are so many details to decide: What variety, brand, quantity, shape and size shall we buy? How do we boil, blend, bake, season, and garnish?



    But many people face the opposite, much more challenging situation: Having very little decision over what—and how much—they eat. Such people include refugees, people who have fled their home countries to seek refuge from violence, war, or persecution.



    REI (特定非営利活動法人 国際難民支援団体) は1990年からアリサンが支援している民間の独立した非営利団体です。1979年に日本で設立されたREIはケニアやレバノン、タイ・ミャンマー間の国境近く等で避難民コミュニティをサポートする800以上のプロジェクトを支援してきました。重要なのは、これらがREIのボランティアによって行われているのではなく、避難民による避難民のためのプロジェクトであり、彼ら自身の未来を持続的に支えていることです。

    Refugee Empowerment International (REI) is an independent NPO that Alishan has collaborated with since 1990. Established in Japan in 1979, REI has funded over 800 projects that benefit refugee communities, in regions like Kenya, Lebanon, and the Thai-Myanmar border. Importantly, these projects are not run by REI volunteers but by refugees themselves, thus empowering refugees to build a better future for themselves and their community.



    Having no money or supermarkets, refugees have little variety in their diet. Each week, they receive a box of five or six ingredients to last them until the next. Ingredients could include rice, dried lentils, vegetable oil, kidney beans, and chickpeas. There are rarely vegetables, and the quantities often leave people hungry, but they must make the best of what they have.



    To raise awareness of food conditions in refugee camps, REI hosted a cooking challenge in collaboration with The Tokyo Toranomon EDITION hotel. Like refugees, participants received a box of five ingredients, donated by Alishan and other sponsors. Fresh kale, tofu, red lentils, a jar of carrot or beet dressing, and Deglect dates were inside. Participants were challenged to cook up their most creative dish, using only the given ingredients. (Note: Basic seasonings and an additional canned item were allowed.)


    Winning Dish (patties)
    Jack’s Choice (ice cream)



    Even if you missed this challenge, Alishan will be hosting another recipe contest in mid-May. Keep up on social media for the details!

    *refugee という言葉は元々「避難民」と訳され用いられていましたが、近年ではそれが省略された「難民」という表現が広く用いられています。また、「帰宅難民」「食料難民」などのように様々な事情で困難に置かれている人々を指す言葉として、本来の意味とは異なった文脈で使われつつあります。その中で、今一度「難民」とはどのような人々のことを表す言葉か考える機会になるよう、そして全ての方が難民とはどのような人々のことを指すか見てわかるよう、REIでは難民のことを「避難民」と読んでいます。

