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Chickpea & lentils salad



This is a simple salad: just cut and pack, boil and pack.

Before eating, shake it up and make sure it is mixed with the dressing. Perfect for a portable lunch!


organic chickpeas
about 50g (or as much as you like, depending on the size of your container)
organic brown lentils
about 50g (or as much as you like, depending on the size of your container)
bell pepper (red & yellow)
cut into 1/8ths (or however you like, depending on the size of your container)
1/4 stick (or as many as you like, depending on the size of your container)
cherry tomatoes
5 (or as many as you like, depending on the size of your container)
1/4 (or as many as you like, depending on the size of your container)
olive oil
60ml (1/4 cup)
lemon or lemon juice
1 Tbsp
apple cider vinegar
2 tsp
1/2 tsp
black pepper
1 tsp
garlic (minced)
2 cloves


  1. 下準備として、ひよこ豆は一晩水につけておきましょう。(茹で時間が短縮できます。)

  2. ドレッシングになる材料(オリーブオイル、アップルビネガー、レモン汁、塩、こしょう、にんにく)をよく混ぜます。

  3. ひよこ豆、茶レンズ豆をそれぞれ別鍋でお好みの柔らかさになるまで茹でます。

  4. パプリカ(赤・黄)、きゅうり、アボカドはさいの目切りに、ミニトマトは半分に切ります。

  5. ドレッシング、パプリカ、ひよこ豆、きゅうり、ミニトマト、茶レンズ豆、アボカドの順に容器に入れていけば出来上がり♪(順番はご自由に。)


  1. To prepare the chickpeas, soak them in water overnight. (This will shorten the boiling time.)

  2. Mix together the ingredients for the dressing (olive oil, apple vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic).

  3. Boil the chickpeas and brown lentils in separate pots, until they are as soft as you desire.

  4. Dice bell peppers (red and yellow), cucumbers, and avocados, and halve the cherry tomatoes.

  5. Add the dressing, paprika, chickpeas, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, brown lentils, and avocado to the container. (The order is up to you.) Shake it up..!



Ah, September—the end of summer. Unfortunately, it is still very hot in September.

Let’s recover from fatigue and survive the lingering summer heat with a salad full of beans.

