Supplier 生産者紹介

Equal Exchange

イコール・エクスチェンジ<br>Equal Exchange




Supplier: Equal Exchange

Country of origin: U.S.

Product: Organic Chocolate Chips (Bitter)

About Equal Exchange


Equal Exchange is one of the leading pioneers of fairly traded products in America.


Back in 1986, Rink Dickinson, Jonathan Rosenthal and Michael Rozyne decided that food should be traded in a way that benefited all parties, something they felt was not happening with larger companies at that time. Beginning with coffee, they developed a supply chain from farmer to consumer that valued the workers at each step along the way. The boom in fair trade goods helped the company develop, but it has inevitably watered down the value of the fair trade logo. Equal Exchange has stood firmly by its principles as larger corporations have gradually bought up the fair trade and organic market, and it will continue to invest both funds and energy into maintaining its honest and fair supply chain.


Equal Exchange is a democratic worker cooperative, meaning every person inside the company has a say in the way it is run. The company has grown to over 120 worker-owners over the years, and each employee has the same right to vote and speak their mind, ensuring the company honors their mission to build long term, economical and environmentally sound relationships with farmers and consumers.



The company’s chocolate chips are authentic bitter chocolate made of organic cacao and organic sugar.

乳製品不使用のヴィーガン。 These bitter chips are vegan (milk-free).

植物油脂、乳化剤、大豆由来の添加物不使用。 There is no added oil, emulsifier or soy lecithin.

原材料は100%フェアトレード。All the ingredients are 100% fair trade.

小規模生産者の支援につながります。Small scale farmers have a market for their crops.

カカオはペルーの小規模生産者組合から砂糖はパラグアイの小規模生産者組合のものを使用。The cacao comes from small coop farms in Peru, and the sugarcane comes from farmer coops in Paraguay and Costa Rica.

カカオ成分70%、カカオのビターな味わい。 These rich, bitter chocolate chips are made with 70% cacao.


写真は全てイコールエクスチェンジ社HPから引用. Photos provided by Equal Exchange.
