Rumford (Clabber Girl)

Supplier: Rumford (Clabber Girl)
Country of origin: U.S.
Product: Baking powder
About Rumford

Rumford Chemical Works, the original manufacturer of Rumford’s baking powder, started producing baking powder in Rhode Island in 1858. Established as a chemicals manufacturer, the plant started by making one of baking powder’s ingredients—calcium acid phosphate. Later, Rumford’s co-founder, Eben Horsford, had the revolutionary idea of adding corn starch as the third ingredient to create his own version of baking powder. Corn starch is still used in many baking powders today.
About Clabber Girl
クラッバーガール社は、1858年にフランシスとハーマン・フルマン兄弟が始めた食料品の卸売会社です。「クラッバーガール」という名前は、昔の一般的な習慣である「”Clabbering” (クラッバーリング)」に由来しています。つまり、牛乳を数日間発酵させてその作用で膨らませるということです。初めてベーキングパウダー商品を発売してからは、1923年に「クラッバーガール」をブランド名として採用しました。
In 1950, Rumford was purchased by the company Clabber Girl.
Clabber Girl was originally a wholesale grocery company begun by Francis and Herman Hulman in 1858. The name “Clabber Girl” has its origins in the old common practice of “clabbering”, or souring milk for several days to use as a leavening agent. After releasing their first baking powder product, the company adopted “Clabber Girl” as the brand name in 1923.
Rumford Baking Powder is now one of Clabber Girl’s many baking products. “In the U.S., it’s almost impossible to buy baking powder without it being from the same people,” says Jack. Clabber Girl owns several baking powder brands apart from Rumford, and also offers baking soda, corn starch, and dessert mixes. A food industry leader nationwide and internationally, their products can be found in over 40 countries.
Why we love them

Jack, along with many Americans, grew up with either Rumford or Clabber Girl products on his family’s kitchen shelf. When Tengu was still a tiny natural food store, Jack and Fay visited the elderly salesman for Clabber Girl in lower Manhattan, New York. Sitting at his desk surrounded by oak furniture, the salesman said, “‘Sure, we can sell you some baking powder.” That’s how we started to import Clabber Girl.
Clabber Girl’s headquarters is in Terra Haute, Indiana. “Inside the Clabber Girl’s five-story brick building, there’s a cafe. That was the best store salad I’ve ever been presented,” Jack recalls.
Fun facts
- 北米に販売されているベーキングパウダーは、ラムフォードとクラッバーガールなど、ほとんどが複動式(ダブルアクティング)です。単動式のベーキングパウダーと複動式ベーキングパウダーの違いをご存知ですか。単動式ベーキングパウダーは水分に触れると一回反応(泡立ち)します。複動式ベーキングパウダーは水分に触れると一回反応し、熱(オーブンなど)に触れると再度反応します。
- 1930年代に、トニー・フルマン(ハーマンの孫)と彼のセールスチームは農場を訪問し、農家がクラッバーガールのポストを設置する代わりにベーキングパウダー1缶を提供しました。
- Almost all baking powders sold in North America are double acting, including Rumford and Clabber Girl. Do you know the difference between single and double acting baking powders? Single acting baking powder will react (create bubbles) once, when exposed to moisture. Double-acting baking powder will react twice: once when exposed to moisture, and once more when exposed to heat (i.e. in the oven).
- In the 1930s, Tony Hulman (Herman’s grandson) and his sales team would visit farms, and offer a can of baking powder in exchange for the farmer putting up a post for Clabber Girl.