- レシピ
Green Curry Noodle Soup
Moroheiya noodles are perfect for a summer meal being well suited to cold dishes and they are also the perfect companion to a summer curry. You can use any vegetables you like. If you are vegan, try adding deep fried tofu and mushrooms for extra bite. The curry paste used in this recipe is vegan. If you don’t want to use nanpura, which contains fish, just leave it out. Alishan’s coconut cream adds a beautiful depth of flavour.
- モロヘイヤヌードルmoroheiya noodles
- 2袋2 bags
- グリーンカレーペーストgreen curry paste
- 1袋1 sachet
- ココナッツクリームcoconut cream
- 1缶1 can
- たまねぎ(薄切り)onion
- 1 個1
- なす(一口大にカット)eggplant
- 1個1
- にんじん(たんざく切り)carrot
- 1本1
- ピーマン(千切り)green pepper
- 2個2
- しめじshimeji mushrooms
- ひとつかみa small handful
- 厚揚げ(一口大にカット)deep fried tofu
- 1/2 個1/2
- しょうが(あれば/千切り)ginger
- 1かけa thumb-sized piece
- 砂糖、塩、醤油、味噌sugar, salt, soy sauce, miso
- お好みでto taste
- フレッシュパクチー or ミント(あれば/刻む)fresh coriander or mint
- お好みでto taste
- ピーナッツ(刻む)peanuts (crushed)
- 大さじ22 Tbsp
野菜が煮えたら残りのココナッツクリームを入れ、塩 or 砂糖 or 味噌で味を整える。今回は塩を小さじ1加えました。
モロヘイヤヌードルを茹で、水を切り、器にグリーンカレーといっしょに盛り付ける。ピーナッツ、フレッシュパクチ or ミントを散らして出来上がり。
Add half the coconut cream to a small pan and then stir in the curry paste. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat for around 5 minutes.
Once the vegetables start to soften, add the rest of the coconut cream and any additional flavouring you prefer. Adding sugar will help balance out the spiciness of the curry.
Cook the moroheiya noodles according to the package. Rinse well. Serve the curry and noodles, sprinkling the crushed peanuts and coriander/mint on top.
*If you want to try this curry cold, rinse the noodles in cold water and, if leaving aside for a while, stir a little oil through them to prevent them sticking together.