- アリサンパークのニュース
【12/7 Xmas Fair】五感で楽しむ親子のクリスマス茶道体験 * Christmas Tea Ceremony Experience for Parents and Children: A Journey Through the Five Senses

English below
◉ 日時/date & time:12/7(Sat)
- 11:15~12:15 Japanese Class 日本語体験
- 12:30~13:30 English Class 英語体験
◉ 場所/Location: アリサンパーク 4階 Alishan Park 4F
◉ 参加費/Fee:
- 親子参加(中学生以上の保護者1名につき、お子さま1名まで):5500円
- お子さま1名追加につき:2200円
- 対 象:5歳以上〜小学6年生
- Parent and Child Participation (one child per guardian, ages middle school and up): 5,500 yen
- Additional child: 2,200 yen per additional child
- Eligibility: Children ages 5 to 6th grade
◉ 予約リンク・Reservaition Link
- 11:15~12:15 日本語体験
- 12:30~13:30 English Class
[Adults-Only Ticket: 3,000 yen per person]
Due to multiple requests, we now offer tickets exclusively for adults at 3000 yen per person.
Please note, however, that there may still be children participating in the class.
• 茶道の歴史を学ぶ紙芝居
• お茶菓子の正しい食べ方を学ぶ時間
• 抹茶のデモンストレーションと体験
• 親子で一緒に抹茶を点てて楽しむ
◉プロフィール YUKO [優子道主宰]
• 茶道歴23年、江戸千家で学んでいます。高校生の頃から茶道に触れていましたが、海外留学中に日本の伝統文化について答えられなかったことがきっかけで、帰国後は茶道を本格的に学び始めました。
• 現在は、外国人観光客向けの茶道体験や、日本の子どもたちに日本文化を伝えるワークショップを開催。
• 自身が子供を持ってからは、次世代に日本の伝統文化を伝えることの大切さを感じ、子供たちが外国の方にも自信を持って説明できるようなプログラムを考案しました。
• 親子で楽しむ茶道体験や、抹茶を使ったヨガ・瞑想のワークショップなど、五感を大切にした体験を提供しています。
Christmas Tea Ceremony Experience for Parents and Children: A Journey Through the Five Senses
Teacher Profile:YUKO
- Has 23 years of experience in the way of tea (sado), studying under the Edo Senke school. Although she was introduced to sado as a high school student, it was during her time studying abroad, when she was unable to answer questions about Japanese traditional culture, that she became inspired to study sado seriously upon returning to Japan.
- Currently, she offers tea ceremony experiences for foreign tourists and hosts workshops to introduce Japanese culture to Japanese children.
- After becoming a parent, she realized the importance of passing traditional Japanese culture to the next generation. She developed programs to help children gain the confidence to explain Japanese culture to foreigners.
- She provides sensory-rich experiences, including tea ceremonies for parents and children to enjoy together, and workshops like matcha-infused yoga and meditation.