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阿里山周辺情 Things to do near Alishan

高麗駅周辺 (徒歩圏)/ Around Koma station (walking distance)
- 巾着田 (桜&菜の花、蛍、川遊び、彼岸花&コスモス) / Kinchakuda (seasonally offering cherry tree&canola, firefly, Cluster Amarylis&Cosmos flowers) http://www.kinchakuda.com
- 日和田山 / Mt. Hiwada http://www.hikingmap.jp/hikingmap/hiwadasan01.html (link for downloading hiking maps for complete valley area http://www.hikingmap.jp/hikingmap/ including the one Jack does near daily)
- 高麗豆腐 / Komatofu http://www.saitama-j.or.jp/syougyou/genki/shop/w3026_tofu.html
- 高麗神社 / Koma Shrine (徒歩約30分、about 30 minutes on foot) http://www.komajinja.or.jp
- 日月堂 (カフェ&ベーカリー) / Nichigetudo (cafe & bakery) http://www.cafenichigetsudo.com/concept.php
日高市内 (車、もしくは公共の交通手段) / Hidaka City (if you drive, or take public transport)
- 弓削田醤油 (有機JAS醤油、蔵見学) / Yugeta Soy sauce factory (JAS organic Soy Sauce, plant – tour)offering soft creme ice cream with the slightest hint of soy sauce. It is very tasting, hint of salt plus sweet. http://yugeta.com
- サイボクハム (ハム&温泉) / Saiboku Ham (pig raising, pig petting a very NON vegetarian restaurant & Hot spring) http://www.saiboku.co.jp
飯能市内 (車、もしくは、公共の交通手段) / Hanno City (if you drive, or take public transport)
- 宮沢湖温泉 / Miyazawako Onsen -a full service onsen with massage, hot rock room, outdoor pools and open late into evening, along with an attached restaurant http://www.yurakirari.com/kirari-net/miyazawako_top.html
- 生活の木 (アロマショップ、ハーブガーデン) / Seikatsu no Ki (Aroma shop & herb garden) http://www.treeoflife.co.jp/ayurveda/hannou.html
- 顔振峠 (ハイキング、頂上にそば屋有)/ Kaburi Toge (Hiking, some Buckwheat noodle shops on the peak) http://www.hikingmap.jp/hikingmap/kaaburi01.htmlwww.
- 東郷公園 (紅葉、11月にもみじ祭り) / Togo Park (Autumn leaves, Maple leaf festival in Nov) http://www.togo-koen.jp
- 浅見茶屋 (うどん屋ー江戸末期の建物)/ Asami Chaya (Udon noodle shops in late Edo period building) http://asamichaya.jp
- 竹寺 (神仏融合、精進料理(事前予約必要) / Take (bamboo) Temple (Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, Syojin Ryori if you reverse in advance) http://www.takedera.com
- 鳥居観音 (紅葉) / Torii Kannon (Autumn leaves) http://www.toriikannon.org
- 大松閣 (宿泊、日帰り温泉) / Taisyokaku (accommodation, hot spring live online casino) http://www.taishoukaku.com
- 正覚寺 (宿坊) / Syokakuji (temple stay) http://www.shougakuji.jp
- 飯能の工芸品(陶器、ガラス製品、木製品) / Craft shops in Hanno (Pottery, Glass things, wooden things) http://hanno-tourism.com/6-shopping/shopping_kougeihin.html
●横瀬町 (車、もしくは、公共の交通手段) / Yokozemachi (if you drive, or take public transport)
芦ケ久保の氷柱 (1月〜2月)/ icicle (Jan – Feb)
武甲温泉 (日帰り温泉、宿泊) / Buko Onsen ( Accommodation & Hot spring)
秩父地方 (車、もしくは、公共の交通手段) / Chichibu Area (if you drive, or take public transport) Chichibu area is 45 minutes/¥370 by train past Alishan. Much higher elevation. Extraordinary fireworks in an early December matsuri.
- 三峰神社 (標高1100mにあるパワースポット,神社内に温泉&宿泊施設有り) / Mitsumine Shrine (1100m sea level, there is an accommodation & hot spring in the shrine) http://www.mitsuminejinja.or.jp
- 長瀞駅周辺(ハイキング&ケーブルカー、神社、阿左見冷蔵(天然氷を使ったかき氷)、旧新井家住宅、陶芸体験、川下り)/ Nagatoro area (hiking&cable car, Shrine, Shaved ice with natural ice, a preserved traditional farm house, pottery making, boat riding on Arakawa river) http://www.nagatoro.gr.jp
- SL列車(パレオエクスプレス)/ Steam Locomotive http://www.chichibu-railway.co.jp/slpaleo/
入間 (車、もしくは、公共の交通手段) / Iruma City (if you drive, or take public transport)
- 三井アウトレット / Mitsui Outlet http://www.31op.com/iruma/
- ジョンソンタウン (米軍ハウスと平成ハウスのコンビネーション) / Johnson Town (American house town) http://johnson-town.com