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逆さまトマト栽培 Upside Down Tomatoes

Just to prove we test out our own ideas here are my attempts at growing tomatoes upside down. My neighbours think I’m crazy but I intend to prove them wrong!
As you can see I got Jack to saw a hole in the bottom of one of our maple syrup buckets. I lined it with a heavy duty rubbish bag, packs of which are readily available from any home center. The biggest mistake I made here was using a small plant I had already been given which was too large to push through the hole in the bucket. I damaged quite a few leaves doing this and would highly recommend using a smaller seeding (my seedlings were still too small and I just couldn’t wait to give this a try!). The bucket is also a little too large and weighs an awful lot which makes me fear for the fence it’s hung on. However, it’s been there a couple of weeks now and the first tomatoes are just turning red so it seems both the plant and the fence have survived this operation. I have just set up a smaller, lighter weight version using just one of the rubbish bags I used to line the bucket with a much smaller seedling. I will post photos of this in the next week or so. Updates of my brave new tomatoes will also follow!