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Udon making




Alishan unbleached flour is actually a type of flour similar to medium flour, making it perfect for making udon noodles.

Udon noodles are delicious both in hot soup and cold.

Handmade udon noodles are fun to make with children. How about udon for lunch on your day off?


Organic Unbleached Wheat Flour
Table spoon 1/2
Potato Starch
for powdering


  1. ボウルに食塩と水を合わせておきます。

  2. 別のボウルに無漂白小麦粉をふるい入れ、食塩水の2/3くらいを加えて手で素早く混ぜます。


  3. 生地をまとめたらボールから出し、しっかりと捏ねていきます。(この時大きめのジップロックなどに入れて子どもに足踏みしてもらうのも楽しいですよ。)

  4. 生地の表面が滑らかになるまでしっかりと捏ねたら丸めてポリ袋に入れて常温で1時間寝かせます。

  5. ポリ袋から取り出し、再度軽く捏ね、形を整えてポリ袋に戻しさらに常温で15分程ねかせます。

  6. 打ち粉をした台に取り出し、麺棒で上から押すように伸ばします。

  7. 5mm程の厚さになったら、再度打ち粉をふり、綿棒に巻き付けて数回転がし、90度回転させて広げます。

  8. 3mmほどの厚さに伸ばしたら、3つ折りにしお好きな幅に切ります。

  9. 鍋にお湯を沸かし、できたうどんをほぐしながら入れ、再沸騰したら中火で約10分程火が通るまで茹で、湯切りをしたら出来上がり。




  1. Combine salt and water in a bowl.

  2. Sift the unbleached flour into a another bowl, add about 2/3 of the salted water and mix quickly by hand.

    Add the remaining 1/3 and mix quickly by hand.

  3. Once the dough is put together, remove it from the bowl and knead it thoroughly. (It’s also fun to put it in a large ziplock or similar at this point and have the children stomp their feet on it.)

  4. Knead the dough thoroughly until the surface is smooth, then roll it out and place it in a plastic bag and leave it to rise for 1 hour at room temperature.

  5. Remove from the plastic bag, knead lightly again, shape and return to the plastic bag for a further 15 minutes at room temperature.

  6. Remove to a floured table and stretch with a rolling pin, pressing from the top.

  7. When it is about 5 mm thick, sprinkle with flour again, roll it around the rolling pin a few times, then rotate it 90° to spread it out.

  8. Once rolled out to a thickness of 3 mm, fold in thirds and cut to the desired width.

  9. Boil water in a saucepan, add the ready-made udon noodles, breaking them into pieces, and when the water comes to a boil again, boil over medium heat for about 10 minutes until cooked through, drain and serve.

    Serve with your favourite seasoning & toppings.

さっと茹でて冷凍しといたら便利よね。 by  Nao
