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プラントベースな刻みベーコン♪ Bacon-flavour Bits


Delicious smoky flavoured bits to sprinkle over salads or try adding to okonomiyaki.



  1. フライパンにすべての材料を入れ(写真では最初にボウルの中で全ての材料を混ぜていますがいきなりフライパンでOK)、よく混ぜながら水分が沸騰するまで加熱してください。

  2. 弱火にし、水分がなくなるまで加熱し続けます。この時点でオーブントースターに移し、よりカリッとさせることもできますが、焦がさないように要注意!




  1. In a frying pan, heat all the ingredients until the water starts to boil, stirring to ensure all the ingredients are well mixed.

  2. Turn the heat down to a low simmer and cook until all the liquid has been absorbed and the pieces are as crispy as required. You can also transfer to the oven toaster at this point to get extra crispy bits, but be careful not to burn them.

    These will last in the fridge for a few days, and will become chewy over time, but remain just as tasty. They taste great in cha-han, in salads and as a soup topping.
