
Supplier: Lemonaid
Country of origin: Germany
Product: Organic Sparkling passion fruit, Organic Sparkling blood orange, Organic Sparkling lime, Organic ChariTea mate
3人の青年がアパートの一室でスタート。本当のaid(援助)を実現する微炭酸ドリンク「レモンエイド Lemonaid」
ドイツのLemonaid社の社名に含まれる”AID”の由来は「援助」。レモンエイドを買うと、1本あたり約7円をレモネイド社の外郭団体を通じて開発途上国、その他サステナブルな社会的活動に寄付される基金「Lemonaid & ChariTea”」となるからです。2010年からの基金総額は400万ユーロに及びました。
Started by three young men in an apartment room, “Lemonaid” is a carbonated drink that lives up to its name
Unlike many other companies who first establish their product, then donate to charity, German brand Lemonaid began with the idea of a charity, then developed their product. Consequently, the “aid” in Lemonaid’s name comes from the meaning of “giving aid”. For every bottle that Lemonaid produces (not sells!), they donate 7 yen to charity. Each bottle of Lemonaid funds the charity organization “Lemonaid & ChariTea“, which donates to developing countries and other sustainable social activities through Lemonaid’s external organizations.
Jacob Berndt, who spent many years working for a governmental support agency, became disillusioned with the way donations were being used. Determined to make a better aid organization, he decided to start Lemonaid with two friends who lived in the same apartment. In 2008, they began creating their own drinks and bottling them in their own apartment, and sold them directly to a local cafe. The quality of their drinks and the design was as important to them as their mission to create a sustainable and effective aid organization.
About Lemonaid
Now sold in 5000 cafes and events, as well as large supermarket chains, Lemonaid has quickly spread throughout Germany and Europe. They recently won a competition held by the German government for their business philosophy and product design, which has increased their recognition worldwide.
It’s not lemonade but “lemonaid”, a carbonated drink made from organic fruits!
Unlike regular lemonade, this drink isn’t made of lemons and carbonated water. Instead it’s made of organic fruits with just a little bit of sweetness and fizz to create a tasty and refreshing drink. The four founding principles of Lemonaid are good taste, good ingredients, doing good in society, and caring for the environment by encouraging recycling and upcycling.
Why we love them
Upcycling is a fun idea! Let’s reuse the bottle in a cool way.
Alishan started carrying Lemonaid’s products in 2016. We also now carry a soap dispenser cap and an oil dispenser cap which fit any of the Lemonaid bottles. With this, you can reuse liquid soap, sauces, syrups, dressings, etc in a stylish way. The simple design looks great and can be found in use at the Alishan Cafe.