Supplier 生産者紹介

San Joaquin Figs

サンホアキンフィグ<br>San Joaquin Figs




Supplier: San Joaquin Figs

Country of origin: U.S.

Product: Organic Black mission figs

Why we love them


Figs are a long-standing favorite in the Tengu catalog and a key ingredient in the Alishan Cafe’s ever popular apple pie. Figs are high in fibre, calcium and iron and are the perfect ingredient for flavored breads and cakes. They also make a tasty match with cheese and are a popular choice for starters.

私たちはメーカーのサンホアキンフィグを訪れ、工場を見て生産者に会い、いちじくについてもっと知りました。いちじくはオーガニックに栽培され、カリフォルニアの灼熱の太陽の下ゆっくりと甘くなり、摘み取られ、日干しされ、濃くて豊かな風味が与えられます。 訪問中の写真に映るヘアネットを見て笑ってしまうかもしれません!

We visited San Joaquin Figs to take a look at their facilities, meet the farmers and find out more about their delicious fruits. The figs are organically grown, slowly sweetening under the hot Californian sun, before they are picked and sun dried, giving their dense, rich flavor. We took some photos during our visit and hope you enjoy them, if only to have a laugh at us in our hair nets!


We visited in mid-March before the trees were in leaf, but we still went to have a look at the trees and imagine the future harvest.
