Eden Foods

商品名:有機ソイミルクプレーン、有機アルファベットパスタ、有機アップルビネガー、有機ひよこ豆缶詰、有機アップルジュース(瓶)、有機アップルバター、有機アップルソース、有機ブラウンマスタード、有機サワークラウト, 有機麦芽シロップ
Supplier: Eden Foods
Country of origin: U.S.
Product: Organic Soymilk Plain, Organic Alphabet pasta, Organic Apple cider vinegar, Organic Canned garbanzo beans, Organic Apple juice, Organic Apple butter spread, Organic Apple sauce, Organic Brown mustard, Organic Sauerkraut, Organic Barley malt syrup
The co-op Eden Foods was founded in the 1960s based on the macrobiotic principles of “whole foods”, “organic cultivation”, and “biodynamic farming” that were a global phenomenon at the time. This was a time when there weren’t many shops in America dealing with natural food and macrobiotic ingredients. They began with co-op members searching for organic farmers and visiting the countryside one by one. Eventually they grew to become a natural food store that handles whole grains, beans, soy products, seaweed, miso, cereals, unrefined oils, seeds and nut butter. With the opening of a cafe, bakery, and bookstore, the company grew rapidly, with customers coming to visit from across America. Health food stores in the U.S. started to carry their product range, and the Eden brand was formed. Eden also began importing seaweed, miso, soy sauce, pickled plum, rice flour, rice vinegar, braised pickles, mirin, etc. from Japanese traditional processed food manufacturers, strengthening the bond between the macrobiotic movement in both countries.
About Eden Foods
Eden is North America’s oldest company in the organic foods industry and the largest organic foods company that has not been acquired by a larger corporation: That’s why it can stick to its principles. In addition, it is also a leading importer of traditional Japanese food and macrobiotic food to the U.S. and has received many awards over the years for its pioneering work.
Many of the raw materials are purchased directly from the local farmers, allowing them to stay as small, independent organic farms. In addition, Eden conduct strict GMO inspections and thoroughly monitor the impact of their products on the environment and society. They are passionate about protecting the environment as a whole and campaign heavily against GMO. You can find out more about the work Eden does to protect the environment on their website.
エデンは缶詰からビスフェノールA(BPA)を取り除くことに他社に先駆け取り組みました。BPAは環境ホルモンとして疑いのある物質。多くの缶詰の内面塗装の樹脂成分に含まれます。 BPAは、特に幼児が摂取すると健康上よくない影響があるとされています。
テングで人気の豆缶は、ひよこ豆缶とブラックビーンズ缶です。 ひよこ豆缶といえば、フーマスですね。ブラックビーンズ缶はまだ使ったことがない?意外にスイーツ作りに大活躍です。ブラックビーンズのブラウニーはいかが?タンパク質いっぱいで、簡単、美味しい!ぜひお試しください。レシピはこちら。
What makes Eden’s canned beans so good?
Eden have worked hard to remove bisphenol-A from their cans, a chemical that is used in the plastic lining of most canned foods. Bisphenol-A has raised some health concerns, especially for young children, and Eden was the first to eliminate BPA from their cans.
Eden also add kombu to their canned beans, which increases the iodine content, a nutrient that can be lacking in a normal Western diet (perhaps not so much in Japan with the high consumption of sea vegetables). Kombu also helps the body digest and absorb the nutrients in the beans. If you’re cooking dried beans, always throw in a piece of kombu too!
Why we love them
Our most popular canned beans at Tengu are garbanzo beans and black beans. Garbanzo are a must for hummus and if you haven’t tried making a black bean brownie yet, you should! Full of protein, easy to make and delicious.