Supplier 生産者紹介

Taylor Brothers Farms

テイラーブラザーズ・ファーム<br>Taylor Brothers Farms




Supplier: Taylor Brothers Farms

Country of origin: U.S.

Product: Organic Prunes




The two Taylor brothers, Richard and John, have been growing organic prunes together since 1990—but their family’s history with the fruit dates back to 1916, when their grandfather began farming a variety of fruits in Sutter County, California. After taking over the business, the Taylor brothers decided to focus their attention on growing California prunes. It was a natural choice given their knowledge of prunes and the highly suitable growing conditions.

Within a century, the Taylor family business has evolved from a fruit stand to the world’s largest organic producer and distributor of prunes.

有機プルーンの果樹園 • Organic prune orchard





    春のプルーンの花 • Prune flowers in the spring

      Created in the 19th century from a French plum variety, the California prune was specifically bred for prune production. Now it is the most commonly grown prune variety in the state, and the Taylor Brothers’ prune of choice. Sutter County is the top prune-growing region in California, which produces 40% of prunes in the world.

      After planting a prune plum tree, it takes 4-6 years to bear fruit. Prune plum trees flower in the spring and are harvested in the summer, when plums have the highest sugar content. The plums are washed, then dried on trays for 18 hours in tunnels at 85ºC. Three kilograms of plums will yield one kilogram of prunes.

      The Taylor brothers always have a jar of prunes on the kitchen counter to munch on after meals. Prunes are mainly known for treating indigestion, but they have many other incredible health benefits. Being extremely antioxidant-rich (#1 of all foods!), they can slow aging and decrease inflammation. Prunes have a low glycemic index and are rich in fiber, which help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Also, prunes are rich in Vitamin K and other nutrients affecting bone health.

      Why we love them




      Jack first met Richard Taylor in the early 1990s at Saitama’s Foodex. At the time, it was not typical for an American farmer to travel to Japan for a trade show. However, Japan is a big market for dried fruits from California, and Richard wanted to establish more direct connections with his consumers.

      Jack and his kids have visited Richard a number of times, including in the summer, when the plums are ready to be picked. Jack recalled, “Richard would pick a plum off the tree, bite it, and if it wasn’t perfect, he would throw it away.”

      As Richard’s brother John says: “All prunes are plums but not all plums can be prunes.”

      Fun facts

      • ジョンによると、オーガニックに切り替える際に一番苦労したのは雑草対策だったそうです。雑草には野ネズミが潜んでいて、プルーンの木の幹をかじって、木を枯らしてしまいます。
        • オーガニック・プルーン果樹園は、慣行栽培の果樹園よりも害虫が多いです。カバークロップであるクローバーを植えると、モリネズミが寄ってきます。またアブラムシはプラムの葉を食べ、その分泌物が蟻を呼び寄せ、葉にカビを発生させます。
        • For John, weed control was the biggest challenge in switching to organic. Weeds can harbor mice that gnaw at the prune tree trunks, killing the trees.
        • Organic prune orchards have more pests than conventional orchards. Planting clover, a cover crop, attracts gophers. Aphids feed on plum tree leaves, and their secretions attract ants that produce mold on the leaves.
