- 商品紹介

Vitamont is the maker of our 100% organic fruit juice range. Based in Monflanquin and using local French produce as far as possible (growing pineapples and mangos in Europe is a little too challenging!) they produce fresh juice that isn’t from concentrate. That means that rather than the water being filtered out of the juice, then the juice stored as concentrate, the fruit is pressed, pasteurized, then packaged and shipped out. This means a fresh, tasty juice that is free from any additives. The small size tetra packs are great to have handy for picnics and trips out, whilst the new 1L size is a more economical way to get a healthy hit of vitamins.
A photo of their beautiful local area:
近年の “糖質制限“ブームは、ジュースにも影響しています。たとえ、砂糖不使用でも、糖質を含むという栄養成分の考え方にについては、オレンジジュースであっても清涼飲料水であっても変わらないからです。極論をいえば、私たちは水かハーブティしか飲めないでしょう!でも安心してください、フルーツジュースは一気に1Lでも飲まない限り、身体に悪いということはありません。良質なフルーツジュースは、砂糖が入ったものを摂るよりずっと身体に良いことは間違いないのです。
Juice has been cast in rather a poor light lately and there’s no denying that sugar is sugar, whether it comes from a bottle of soda or cup of orange juice. Ideally we should all stick to water or herbal teas, but I for one like a little more variety. Fruit juice is not bad for you unless you are drinking the entire 1L carton in one go. A little pure fruit juice makes a nice change, and ensures you get more vitamins than you might from it’s sugared relations.
Vitamont juice makes a lovely base for sweet desserts too. Just mix 1tsp of powdered kanten with one 200ml carton of juice. Heat in a pan until boiling, then turn down the heat and simmer for a few minutes. Turn off the heat, pour into a glass and leave to set. Kanten doesn’t need to be refrigerated to set but will take a few hours at room temperature. Kanten contains fibre and is very low in calories so makes a great low calorie treat.