Organo Botanica

商品名:有機フンザ産 アプリコット
Supplier: Organo Botanica
Country of origin: Pakistan
Product name: Organic Hunza apricots

Founder Emad grew up in the Southern port city of Karachi, making trips to Hunza to visit his dad’s engineering projects. He earned his graduate degree in the U.S. and joined a consulting firm as a bridge engineer. After returning to Hunza, he became troubled by the situation of local farmers, who were poor and had very small landholdings.
It was this desire to uplift the local farmers that led Emad to found Organo Botanica. One year later, he joined a JICA educational program that sent him and other farmers and processors to Japan. There, Emad was introduced to Alishan. “It was a wonderful experience, not only being able to sell Hunza dried fruits, but to have a chance to meet wonderful people like Jack,” Emad said.
Upon returning to Hunza, Emad assembled the farmers under JICA and worked with women in agriculture to introduce better technology. After acquiring organic certification, he then started to deal directly with Japan.

プリザーブドアプリコットは、フンザの地元の人に伝統的に大切にされています。 オルガノボタニカは400人の農家さんからアプリコットを買い取り、7人の農家さんからデーツを買い取りしています。 アプリコットは早く腐るのせいで、収穫のボリュームの一部だけが加工されることができます。しかし、 効率的な乾燥機械を導入することのおかげで、売り上げボリュームを増やすことができました。
果物の加工は、多くの仕事で男性との競争にさらされている農村部の女性に、必要な雇用機会を提供しています。 オルガノボタニカの従業員の90%以上は女性で、北部ギルト・バルティスタン地域での加工や、カラチでのデーツの最終包装に大きく関わっています。
Hunza’s new challenge: Same old methods, new efficiency
Preserved apricots have traditionally been an important food for the people of Hunza. Organo Botanica purchases apricots from about 400 farmers, and dates from seven farmers. Ripened apricots and dates are hand-picked and sun-dried at low temperature. As apricots easily spoil, only part of the harvest volume can be processed. However, the company has been able to increase sales volume by introducing efficient drying equipment.
Supporting women and children
Fruit processing provides a much needed employment opportunity for women in rural areas, who struggle to compete with men in many jobs. Over 90% of Organo Botanica’s workers are women, who are heavily involved in processing in the Northern Gilgit-Baltistan region and the final packaging of dates in Karachi.
Why we love them
The unforgettable taste of Hunza apricots
Co-founder Jack could not forget the refreshing acidity and rich flavor of apricots he tasted in this area in the 80’s. “The common problem all over the world for farmers in geographically isolated villages is no connection to consumers in urban areas to buy crops,” Jack says. He is glad that Alishan is directly connected with producers like this.