Harmony Life

Supplier: Harmony Life
Country of origin: Thailand
Product: Organic Moroheiya vegetarian noodles, Organic Moroheiya rice pasta
HarmonyLife’s organic farms are located at the foot of the Khao Yai Mountains in southern Thailand. They produce vegetables, fruit and herbs as well as processed foods, soaps and detergents, which are sold in Thailand and exported to more than 10 countries around the world.
An amateur starts an organic farm in Thailand, a foreign country
Mr. Oga, the company founder, is originally from Miyazaki Prefecture. “Originally I had a strong awareness of environmental and food problems, but when I was working for a medical device manufacturer, being dispatched to Thailand triggered a strong desire to make a sustainable society,” he said. He decided to began his own organic farm. However, Mr. Oga had no experience in agriculture, farm design or organic farming, so had to learn from scratch with advice from various people. They were able to utilize the mineral-rich underflowing water from the base of the Khao Yai Mountains to irrigate their crops, avoiding the polluted riverwater.
About Harmony Life
The first five years were very difficult, with crops devastated by diseases and pests which couldn’t be halted with natural pesticides such as wood vinegar. Mr. Oga came to realize that insects did not attack healthy plants, so rather than kill the pests he turned his attention to growing stronger vegetables. After reviewing the soil, fertilizer, watering regime, seeds and cultivation the farm slowly grew into a healthy, fertile land free of pests, without the use of pesticides. Chickens and cows are also raised on the farm and their manure is used to feed the crops. Harmony Life is currently producing over 50 crops on its 120 hectare farm.
Towards making Thailand the #1 organic country!
In 2006, Harmony Life Farm was designated as a model farm for organic farms in Thailand by Thailand’s Ministry of Agriculture. They have obtained five organic certifications, including “USDA”, and export crops and processed products to more than 10 countries, the largest of which is the United States. They also ship to large organic food chains such as Whole Foods Market. Mr. Oga is now focusing on educating farmers in Thailand and abroad to further spread organic farming methods. Consumers who are looking for organic products are increasing rapidly in Thailand, so his goal is to make Thailand the world’s number one producer of organic foods.
Why we love them
Alishan started carrying moroheiya noodles in 2014 and added moroheiya rice pasta in 2013. They are popular products with a great taste and texture. In 2013, we visited Mr. Oga’s farm in Thailand on a company trip. We were most struck by the piles of lemongrass composting in heaps everywhere on the farm, making the air smell wonderful. All the staff stocked up in Harmony Life Bangkok’s shop before the flight back. We recommend you visit if you’re ever in Bangkok.