No Plastic Japan

Supplier: No Plastic Japan
Country of origin: Japan
Product: Thin straw, Thick straw, Cleaning brush for thin straw, Cleaning brush for thick straw, Drawstring bag
It’s November 2017, and Mona Neuhauss is sitting inside an organic vegan cafe in Tokyo. Having lived in Tokyo for a year, Mona is familiar with Japan’s high rates of plastic consumption. Despite this, she expects that a cafe serving “environmentally friendly” food would be using plastic alternatives. But alas, her drink comes in a plastic cup.
Mona emails the cafe with a list of plastic alternatives, and to her surprise, the cafe takes action. However, Mona feels like her individual voice would be strengthened if it were joined with others’. In her quest to build a community that champions a plastic-free society, she decides to found her own social venture—No Plastic Japan—less than a year later at the age of 25.
のーぷらは、その名の通り、より持続可能なプラスチックのない社会の実現を目指しています。萌菜は、プラスチック製ストローの代替品として、ステンレス製ストローをオンラインだけでなく、東京のFalafel BrothersやLoftなどのカフェやお店でも販売しています。
「使い捨てプラスチックだけでなく、紙やプラスチック、その他の素材に関わらず、使い捨て製品を “再考” することが大切です。工夫次第で、使い捨てに代わる製品や選択肢を見つけられることが多いので、まずはそのことを意識することが大切」と萌菜は言います。
のーぷらでは、他のブランドや団体とコラボレーションして、ブランドストローを作ったり、イベントを開催したりしています。ネスレのKit Kat, ゼロ・ウェイストタウン上勝町のビールブランドRISE & WIN, mymizu, グリーンピースなどがその例です。彼女が日本語と英語で投稿しているインスタグラムには1万人以上のフォロワーがおり、今度も持続可能性のメッセージを海外と日本のコミュニティに伝えていく予定です。
Like the name implies, No Plastic Japan aims to create a more sustainable, plastic-free society. As an alternative to plastic straws, Mona sells stainless steel straws online and in cafes and stores, including Falafel Brothers and Loft in Tokyo.
Changing something small like a straw is just the first step towards a sustainable lifestyle change. Like Mona says,
“It’s not just about single-use plastic, but about ‘re-thinking’ single-use altogether, whether it’s paper or plastic or any other material. By being creative, we oftentimes can find alternative products and options to single-use, so the first step is to be mindful of that.”
No Plastic collaborates with other brands and organizations to make branded straws and host events. Some of these include Nestle’s KitKat, zero-waste town Kamikatsu’s beer brand RISE & WIN, mymizu, and Greenpeace. With over 10,000 followers on her bilingual Instagram, Mona plans to continue spreading her message of sustainability to both the international and Japanese community.
Why we love them
Mona came to our Lemonaid booth at a social innovation event in Tokyo. (She was familiar with the Lemonaid brand from Germany.) We kept in touch and bumped into her at other sustainability-related events. When she founded No Plastic, we believed in her project’s mission, so we started working together.
If you’ve had a cold drink at Alishan Cafe, you may have drunk from one of Mona’s straws. Stainless steel straws are not only hygienic, but easy to wash and even recyclable.
Check out our Plastic Free July campaign for 2021 here.